The benefits of gardening for NHS workers Posted 26 February 2025There’s no doubt that the pandemic has had a huge impact on the wellbeing...
Top tips to avoid loneliness over the festive period Posted 26 February 2025It’s surprising how many people dread the festive period, especially if you live alone,...
Does yoga help induce good mental health? Posted 26 February 2025While it is well known that almost any type of physical exercise can lower...
How your colleagues can help support your Mental Health Posted 26 February 2025With ongoing and increasing pressures on NHS staff and services, it is unsurprising that...
The importance of healthy sleep habits for our mental health Posted 26 February 2025A healthy sleep pattern is essential to our mental and physical health, with the...
Concerts for Carers launches to give NHS workers and carers access to free live events Posted 26 February 2025It has certainly been a challenging 18 months for the hospital and care sector...
3 reasons why volunteering and fundraising is good for your mental health Posted 26 February 2025Volunteering or fundraising is a great way to give support to individuals that are...
Rather than resolutions you’ll only break, think RED January this new year Posted 26 February 2025As 2021 draws to a close, you may be thinking of your ‘new year,...
2 top reasons why embracing nature is good for your emotional well-being Posted 26 February 2025NHS staff often spend long hours working in stressful environments, but embracing nature may...
Battening down the hatches – how winter storms can affect our mental health Posted 26 February 2025Extreme weather and freezing temperatures can affect us in more ways than merely feeling...